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From 11:00 PM CST Friday, Feb 14th - 6:30 PM CST Saturday, Feb 15th, will undergo system upgrades that may result in temporary service interruption.
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Contact Information
University: Cork Institute of Technology, Ireland
Team Members (with year of graduation): Maxime Voisin-Denoual (2014)
Project Supervisor: Mr Donal O'Donovan
Email Address:
Project Information
Title: Remote control of a soccer robot
Description: Control of a soccer robot using a joystick and serial communication in labview. Send the information to the robot using a bluetooth server. This project is part of a robot soccer general project.
Products: NI Labview, promi MSP, promi LSD
The Challenge: The challenge was to deal with all the elements, joystick, string generation, serial communication and bluetooth server.
The Solution:
The idea was to create a program in Labview, which could generate a command string from a joystick input, and then send the information to a serial port. The communication with the robot is made using a bluetooth server. The robot is wired to a virtual serial port using a software which create virtual COM ports.
Labview is a powerful tool for programmation. It was ideal in this case because of the various types of technologies involved (joystick, serial communication).
Attach Poster
Nominate Your Professor
Mr Donal O'Donovan, Cork Institute of Technology, Cork, Ireland
Sounds very interesting. Thanks for submitting. I would love to see some images or video footage of the robot in action. Perhaps you could post them as part of your submission.
Hi Maxime, I was wondering if you had plans to elaborate on your interesting project submission in a more detail? Further information on this soccar robot and its capabilities would be useful. Was the joystick just used for movement... or was it also able to instruct the robot to kick? You mentioned that LabVIEW "was ideal in this case because of the various types of technologies involved" - could you be a little more specific? What features of LabVIEW helped integrate these technologies?
I add the report I wrote for this project. I guess you will find the answers your are looking for.
If you have any futher question, please write another comment.
Sorry I cannot put any video, I don't have any access to the robots anymore. They are the same robots as the ones in this video:
Hi Maxime, thanks for posting your report. It does add clarity.
To put your self in the best possible position for the competition, I would recommend adding some more useful details (and possibly images) to your actual submission - even if that simply means cutting and pasting relevent details from your report. The judges are likely to have a lot of submissions to review, so I would not expect them to read an entire report. Just some friendly advice
I image that you are very busy with exams right now... but you have until the end of the month before judging begins.
I hope it is better like this, thank you for your friendly advice .