Multifunctional robot with arm it is a universal solution for any area of application. This robot take chance do something in extremal environment by remote control or by writing programs on NI MyRIO. It is very flexible tool for solution any problems.
NI LabVIEW 2015, NI myRIO-1900, GPRS module (SIM900R) (optional), GPS module (optional), camera, thermometer, Arduino UNO R3, high-torque motors.
Robot consists of a platform with a set of sensors on board. As the control unit is used to NI myRIO. A set of sensors can be anything. In our case, we used the most appropriate for the modules. Among them, GPS module for positioning, GPRS module for the transmission of data on the state of the device, thermometer, flash card for data recording telemetry and video. The case is designed in the CAD system and crafted from metal bars.