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LabVIEW Technology for Development Energy in Cameroon (ElviTech) for Student Design Competition 2013

Contact Information


Team Members (with year of graduation): (1) DONGMO NIZEGHA Platon, (2) WELAKO JEAN Gaël, (3) MENANGA TSALA Jean Paul

Faculty Advisers: HABIB MARWAN

Email Address:

Submission Language : English

Project Information

Title: LabVIEW Technology for Development Energy in Cameroon (ElviTech)


ElviTech is a project focused on two aspects. The first is obviously to manage the electricity is distributed to the people, whether in terms of revenue for the company and whether the terms good quality for the consumer. The present state of electricity is lacking here are some examples:




Even when set to go consumption that is not obvious, it is true that for about 2 years SONEL introduced payment by phone is quite well received by the population, but until then we must see multiple queues at the counters to pay the bills.


Another feature of this project is that at the same time promotes the use of renewable energies such as solar and wind. That is why in the second phase of this project it is about designing a solar power plant in the north-Cameroonian community due to its high solar potential because it has a very sunny climate.


We expect first improve the technical equipment for the transmission and distribution of electricity. Such as replacing worn wooden power poles with either high, medium or low voltage matching.


Then replace analog electric meters with "smart" meters that can include preparing bills in real time and identify items that cost the most to the customer. They may possibly inform buffering or loss on the grid.


Note that the realization of these counters will be clean for our environment and in our social evolution.

As we indicated in the summary we would like to send more workers into homes to meet customer consumption, they are retrieved remotely by Wi-Fi first and then we will be on the platform on the internet. The internet is a tool accessible to all and the population becomes more computer literate the tools will have no problems, easily enough awareness.


The router will allow us to publish the data provided by our smart meter directly on the platform. Then that the AES-Sonel has already deployed as a strategy for the payment (pay his consumption by phone) of utility bills, we develop a platform (version pioneer) dedicated to the payment of consumption effortlessly provide


When a client wants to connect it will just put a password to access the page that looks like below


On this page we have the statistics in front of him its consummation, and may also generate an excel file and even pay online, thanks to the credit card.

Administrators page is still under construction as shown in the following page, néamoins it will allow administrators to add a new subscriber, brief manage the content of the web page.




Solutions to these problems have been meticulously detailed in a good long arduous research. First of all we have done the best with what they had at the hardware level, the understanding of my NI grid (by ELENCO) we understood the vision that should be our power grid if we want to be developed in 2035. With awareness campaigns and training sessions, the community will take this seriously and quickly see how to use it, because nobody likes to waste his time. For those brave fieldworkers, they will not go unemployed but first training they will be concentrated in checkpoints, and will respond to the problem and to report to the central station. Here it was to see how we can have an intelligent management but with counters present, there we thought to attach to these counters amperometric clamps that allow us retain the current value each time and send the worm router.

About the benefits of LabVIEW and other NI tools they from the best materials on the planet for the design in electrical engineering as in this case. LabVIEW is a programming language last very easy to use for the layman and more generation it can address several other areas brief National Instruments has everything to complete this project.
My marketing plans initially are much more oriented to major cities and the student population. The platform will be free access to any subscriber student, this in perspective to galvanize this process, then to reach the greatest number of people, it will be to reach an agreement with AES-Sonel after market research.



For a sustainable and viable development, electric power is a major asset to have for hope to be on time at 2035. Electrical energy is a necessity these days and is recognized as a right in Cameroon. It is important in the life of every day, so it is through this project that we begin now to leave our country to its anarchic management.
