University and Department:
Escuela Superior Politecnica del Litoral( ESPOL)
Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering (FIEC)
Team Members:
Criollo Ortiz Oswaldo A.
Criollo Ortiz Cesar Hugo
Criollo Ortiz Brayamen Luis
Faculty Advisors:
MCS. Guido Alfredo Caicedo R.
Electrical engineer (ESPOL)
Master in Sciences in Computation (State University of New York at Buffalo, USA.).
Primary Email Address:
Primary Telephone Number (include area and country code):
Ecuador(593) : Celular 088461921
Project Title:
Implementation of a Net Modbus using Technology Zigbee(Xbee-Pro 900), Microchip , OPC Server and LabView as Platform to the Monitoreo and Control
List all parts (hardware, software, etc.) you used to design and complete your project:
Proteus 7
OPC Server
Analogical Devices
Digital Devices
Max 232
Switch’s Bank
Microchip’s programmer
Kit of development Xbee – Pro 900
Describe the challenge your project is trying to solve
With this project you could intrude in Campos like Demótica, Telemetría and any industrial sector that it requires of some type of Monitoreo and Control but the main objective is the one of intruding in productive sectors as the sector acuicultura, agriculture, floriculture, cattleman, fishes and derived, fruits and vegetables, etc. Since in spite of being productive large-scale sectors in our country it has not been intruded in these with the technology to optimize processes, one of the reasons for which is believed that it has not been intruded it is for the high costs in the hardware, cost that many of the potential clients of these sectors could not cover.
Describe how you addressed the challenge through your project.
With this project to already give a radical change in the sectors mentioned that is to say to look for solutions where we can use is sought I show system to solve problems and to improve the productive processes. Now we are working in a proposal applied to the sector acuícola with which is thought that it could improve the process of shrimp cultivation to increase the production.
One also has for example other proposals in road in the sector milkman where one could help to increase the production.
Device Modbus in Hardware
Module slave of wireless communication of the Device Modbus in Hardware
Net of modules slaves of wireless communication of all the devices modbus, in hardware and simulate
Module Master of wireless communication
OPC Server
OPC Client
Devices Modbus Simulate
Main screen of the application in LabView
Case example
Windows of Device Modbus 1
Windows of Device Modbus 2
Hardware in Simulate
Case example
Windows of Device Modbus 3
States of ports in the Hardware
Thank you for submitting your project, nice work!