The attached VI uses the Audio Input Jack on the myDAQ to acquire a stereo audio signal from an iPod or other audio player, alters the signal in software, and then outputs the signal to the Audio Output Jack on the myDAQ. The effect on the audio signal can be changed by sliding the volume and level sliders on the front panel. Alternatively, white noise may be chosen as the signal source so that the effects of the equalizer can be observed and heard in the absence of a music audio source.
As seen in the block diagram below, a DAQ Assistant VI is used to acquire the audio signal from the Left and Right audio channels on the myDAQ. After the signal is acquired, it is passed to three Filter Express VI's that separate the audio channels into bass, midtone, and treble waveforms. After the signal is split up, the three audio components are multiplied by the corresponding controls on the front panel. The signals are then added together and multiplied by the volume control on the front panel. Finally, a second DAQ Assistant Express VI is used to output the final left and right audio streams to the Audio Out Jack.
The Audio Input? slector allows the user to switch between the Uniform White Noise source and the DAQ Assistant audio input.
Steps to Complete
To use this VI, you will need:
With these materials, follow the following steps:
Additional Notes