Estoy intentando adaptar un SubVI que simula un osciloscopio, para que reciba y analice señales analógicas con la tarjeta de adquisición de datos
USB 6008.
Gracias de antemano por la ayuda prestada y el aporte tan importante, ya que estoy trabajando en mi proyecto de tesis con este VI.
Regards, ....
I'm trying to adapt a SubVI that simulates an oscilloscope, to receive and analyze analog signals with the data acquisition card USB 6008.
Thanks in advance for the assistance and contribution asimportant as I am working on my thesis project this VI.
I want to down it and operte it again ,but I can't open it .Could you upload again .thanks.
Missing sub-VI's ... Impossible to see the whole program ...
There is still a Missing VI's...
I am trying to use this example but it is missing two subrutines: and it would be awesome if we can have the complete program