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DAQmx Generate analog output triggering window is grayed out

When I try using the DAQmx Generate Analog Output step on its own in Signal express the triggering type drop-down menu is grayed out. How can I change it so I can specify an analog edge trigger? Do I need to insert an Acquire step before this?



0 Kudos
Message 1 of 4

Hi Luke,

I have some questions about your application:


What hardware are you using to output the analog signal?


How are you generating the signal to be output? Do you have a Create Analog Signal task first, or are you using some other means?


What kind of signal are you trying to output?


What is producing the analog edge trigger, and how are you going to read it in?



Nathan S.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 4
The output signal I was using was coming directly from a power supply with terminals that had variable voltage. I would increase the voltage up to and past the trigger level and verify the DAQ card had begun recording. the first step I am using the acquire analog signal step to get the voltage value from the power supply. I would like it to output a +5V TTL pulse when it begins recording data as the trigger threshold is exceeded. Does an analog edge trigger have to have a specific shape? I have been informed that the DAQ 6008 is not capable of using an analog edge trigger, is this true?
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Message 3 of 4

I have been informed that the DAQ 6008 is not capable of using an analog edge trigger, is this true?

That is correct. The NI USB-6008 cannot use an analog trigger. It is only able to use a digital trigger. 

Nathan S.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 4