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PXIe-5413 Soft Panel in MAX

There is no menu item to Launch the Soft Panel for my PXIe-5413 from NI MAX



The NI-FGEN Soft Front Panel is listed in the SW section and it works fine if I launch it from there.





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Message 1 of 5

Recently, the soft front panel for FGEN has been moved to Instrument Studio, you can access it from there.


BTW, the instrument studio based soft front panel is advanced and powerful compared to the legacy one.

Soliton Technologies

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Message 2 of 5

That would not be a good solution for us.
We do currently have Instrument Studio installed on our deployment systems. 
Also our existing calibration and checkout procedures call out to access it from NI Max.

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Message 3 of 5

It's correct that the old Soft Front Panel is no longer shipped with new NI-FGEN versions.

But the button in MAX should still be there and launch InstrumentStudio.


What version of NI-FGEN do you have installed on your system?

Marcos Kirsch
Chief Software Engineer
NI Driver Software
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Message 4 of 5

I don't believe the PXIe-5413/5423/5433 waveform generators ever had the Test Panel button in MAX, although some parts of the legacy panel do work with the modern waveform generators. If you use this legacy test panel instead of Instrument Studio, you should be aware that it only supports the standard function mode on 54x3 devices because of the way channels work for those devices.


If you're using NI-FGEN 17.1 as the screenshot indicates, please consult the known issues list.

Brian Morgan | NI Software Engineer, R&D
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Message 5 of 5