07-21-2017 02:32 PM
Hello all,
Just started with PXIe-5654 ( I have only PXIe-5654 without PXIe-5696 - amplitude extender module), would like to get some questions answered.
I can see PXIe-5654 in MAX and can control it with SG Software panel (verified with help external Spectrum Analyser)
I can run some of RFSG examples (I’m using LabView 2015 SP1, see attached VI’s):
RFSG Getting Started Single Tone Generation.vi
RFSG Frequency Sweep (565x and 5673).vi
But when I run something more complex:
RFSG 565x Analog Modulation.vi
RFSG Arbitrary Waveform Generation.vi
RFSG Multitone Generation.vi
I’m get the error (see attached jpg file).
What can be the reasons for these? Is it any chance that my hardware is not supported by these examples?
Additional/general questions:
Thank you,
07-24-2017 03:15 PM
Made more investigation about p2p data transfer:
There are only two models of RF Generators supported. So it is look like for item 3 fro my list answer is NO.