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cRio C module custom development

Hi Gents, I have found a document which is an example how to develope your custom C module for a cRio 

In this document there is an attachment with one project with a custom module already developed with SPI communications. See attachment


My question is if it possible to know the SPI pins in the 15 pin connector of the backplane. In the project view under the virtual folder "Digital Line Input and Output/EWB Custom", appears the SPI lines with names "SPI CS (DIO5)", "SPI MISO (DIO6)", etc. Are these DIO the pins in the connector?


My purpose is to use this project as a template to develope my own boards for personal use, without to purchase the cRIO-955x module development kit (MDK)



Best Regards


 ScreenHunter_365 Apr. 13 13.18.jpg



0 Kudos
Message 1 of 5

Hi All, kindly remainder if anybody could give me a hand with this


Best Regards

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 5

Hi again. Long time since I launched this post.

Could anybody help me with these please?

I will appreciate any comments




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Message 3 of 5

Hi lcaro600


Unfortunately, what you are trying to achieve will not be possible without getting a cRIO MDK. The SPI FPGA I/Os you see were most likely defined with MDK suite where they actually piped MDK SPI IO and DIO for the user. There are probably other things happening in the background which you don’t have insight without the MDK software. Notice, the white paper actually mentions that MDK is required to do something like this.  


Since you only want to develop a module for yourself you only need a cRIO MDK base (PN 781017-03). With this software you will get a MDK software which will unlock access to SPI bus, DIO pins, internal DMA FIFOs, timing etc.

You will also get an access to MDK hardware/software manual as well as access private cRIO MDK forum for support. 


Miro T

National Instruments


Message 4 of 5

Hi Miro_T, thanks for your response. This is what I was afraid, that I need the cRIO MDK, litle bit expensive only for personal use


Thanks anyway

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Message 5 of 5