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cRIO-9040 'feature incompatibilities' error message

cRIO was working fine then suddenly started getting the following error message when the system powers up. Error message prevents it from reaching the login prompt - system just seems to stop


[    1.044038] EXT4-fs (sda4): couldn't mount as ext3 due to feature incompatibilities


System will power up correctly in safe mode but then I cannot use the NI Real-Time features

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Can you please give more details regarding your software/driver versions as well as the operating system that you are using? This way, we can narrow down the root cause of the issue.



Marco C.
Applications Engineering
National Instruments
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Message 2 of 3

Hi Marco,


Good questions and I apologize for not giving all the information. Unfortunately the system has now been deployed for testing so I don't have access to the exact numbers. It is a NI-Linux RT system, using the vsn 18.0 NI-DAQmx drivers. I am not using LabView just a C++ application that is doing some data logging/processing. The system has a NI-9222 module installed.


Tyler was able to help me get the system working again. We basically re-formatted the disk and re-installed the software. I still got the error message but the system did not hang up, it continued through to the login prompt. (I have a monitor/keyboard attached which is how I interact with the system). So, not sure what caused the system to hang up but since it was working again I was able to continue.

The other thing that I observed was that I was getting the error message when the "Enable Console Out" option was checked in the startup options. When that is unchecked I see a lot more typical startup messages but that particular error message does not appear.


Appreciate the contact. Thanks

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