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PXIe-5172 Compile Error -61499 "IO Resource has an invalid clock name specified for <RequiredClockDomain>"

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That's actually really helpful, thanks!

Robert Mortensen
CLA, CLED, LabVIEW Champion, Principal Systems Engineer, Testeract
0 Kudos
Message 11 of 14

Thank you too for sharing your experiences.  It is not easy to get used to using these instruments due to user-unfriendly documentations, training resources, and web-contents.  I sometimes visit FPGA-related posts on communities so, hope we can help each other.  Thanks!

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Message 12 of 14

I finally have a sine waved hooked up to chan 0, but I'm unable to see any data. The "Channel Data Valid" flags never go high. Do I need to trigger the acquisition somehow?


Here's my code:




I looked into the examples you referenced. I got a basic example working fine and can see my sine wave, but it was just using the NI-Scope/DAQmx API, no FPGA code.


Do you know of any examples that use FPGA code? Other than the huge "LabVIEW Instrument Design Libraries for Reconfigurable Oscilloscopes"?

Robert Mortensen
CLA, CLED, LabVIEW Champion, Principal Systems Engineer, Testeract
0 Kudos
Message 13 of 14

Hi, would you start a new thread?  

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Message 14 of 14