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Ni-9213 to measure voltage



I'm using a NI-9213 device to acquire temperatures.

I'm about to buy a device measuring the pressure that will give me a +/- 1V voltage.

If I connect this new device between TC+ and COM ports in the NI-9213, will it work ?


Thanks by advance for your answers

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Message 1 of 4

No - the 9213 is a specific thermocouple input module, and only accepts much smaller voltages (+/-78mV in datasheet)

Consultant Control Engineer
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Message 2 of 4

Thanks, but in the data sheet it's written "Channel-to-COM : +/- 1,2V"

What will happen if I plug a device delivering 0,9 V between TC0+ and COM ?

I won't be able to measure this 0,9 V ?

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Message 3 of 4

@schupin wrote:

Thanks, but in the data sheet it's written "Channel-to-COM : +/- 1,2V"

What will happen if I plug a device delivering 0,9 V between TC0+ and COM ?

I won't be able to measure this 0,9 V ?

You're referring to common mode voltage and not the signal



the signal range is still +/-78.125mV



Soliton Technologies

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