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NI9237 for direct sensor output reading


I have a NI 9237 and 9949 in a quarter bridge strain gauge set up. The ni9237 has a 50kS/s but i need more accuracy. Is it possible to capture the raw signal through the 9949 module to display it on another hardware in order to achieve more accuracy? Is the voltage in pin 2 & 3 of the NI9949 module accurate propotional to the strain gauge tension/compression? 


Thanks in advance.

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Hi Doti

Considering on NI 9237 specifications module's accuracy in max 50KS/s, which means this module doesn't have opportunity to be more then 50KS/s. Therefore, except of using another module to achieve more accuracy (which in this case would have the opposite effect), I suggest getting another module, which has more accuracy than NI 9237. 



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