RTI DDS Toolkit for LabVIEW Support

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RTI DDS LabVIEW Toolkit Support for PXI RT Pharlap Systems

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I would like to know whether RTI DDS LabVIEW tookit supports RT Pharlap PXI systems.

As per the information provided in the overview section of the RTI toolkits page in LabVIEW tools network it supports, but the release note for the toolkit only mentions NI RT Linux. In NI MAX if while trying to deploy software to RT target, I can't find RTI toolkit within the list. Have anyone successfully used RTI DDS on PXI RT Pharlap?






Waiting For the inner calling 🙂

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Message 1 of 4
Accepted by topic author djac91

Hi Dj,


Pharlap is not supported. Only Ni Linux is supported on the targets.




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Message 2 of 4

It's deployable to NI Linux RT only. RTI's datasheet and their release notes say it clearly. NI should fix the page you linked.

You can see the supporting libraries in vi.lib\RTI DDS Toolkit\RT Files\3.0.0.

To get it on the PXI platform, you need LV RT 2019, but RT Linux is supported only on specific controllers.

I've been testing it on several cRIO's with no issues, and we've upgraded a PXI to Linux but haven't tried it out yet.



Message 3 of 4

We are using it on a PXI running Linux x64 and DDS is working (alongside a cRIO running x64 and Windows, all communicating with each other using DDS). I don’t remember which PXI it is offhand, but it’s one of the ones that came out last spring that runs Linux x64 natively I believe. Will update this post in a bit once I check.

Message 4 of 4