Not sure if there's a way to copy data from Excel and paste into LabVIEW controls and constants but I haven't had much luck. Also there's seems to be an Export to excel, but no "Import from Excel" shortcut menu. Normal programmers will write code to import the table and column headers at runtime, but sometimes you just need to paste data into 2D array string constants for prototyping etc.
So being extremely bored in quarantine I made a simple quick drop plugin that lets you copy data from Excel or Notepad (in CSV,TSV,SpaceSV,;SV format) and paste it into various controls. Hopefully I'm not duplicating an existing capability but if so, oh well it was a fun exercise.
Default shortcut key is Q because I couldn't think of any other letter. Shift Q removes the first row (header) and places it in the "Col Headers[]" of appropriate controls.
This should probably be a Shortcut Menu Plugin, but I can never find that group because I always think of the Right Click Framework (RCF), search on it and fail. The next step will be to adapt to a shortcut menu.
This is my first attempt at publishing a quick drop plugin (and using github) so pardon any faux paus I make.