01-27-2015 05:51 PM
I put a control down and ment it to be a typedef, it changed a few times while I was coding. The replace quickdrop shortcut is a life saver, but if i didnt have to type the name every time to replace it would be a slight bit faster.
01-27-2015 09:37 PM
Record the ctrl used in a text file for later used.
This VI has the information of the ctrl:
C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2013\resource\dialog\QuickDrop\QuickDrop Launch Window.vi
01-28-2015 09:46 AM
try the newly uploaded shortcut:
04-27-2016 10:35 AM
I modified someone elses VI to include showing/hiding labels for block diagram objects.
03-01-2018 08:15 AM
Is there some quick-drops, to insert breakpoint? I know that it could be done by right-click, but with quick-drop it could be faster... And if such quick-drop does not exist, is there a way, of how to add breakpoint to block diagram? I've googled a bit, but didn't find the info...
Thanks a lot in advance!
03-01-2018 08:34 AM
You could try using LVHotkeys. You just hover over the wire and press b on the keyboard to set/unset a breakpoint.