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Case Study: National Renewable Energy Labs (NREL) Develops an Advanced Power Electronics Control System with the NI GPIC

"Tools from NI allow us to program the control strategy at the FPGA level."

    - Dr. Bill  Kramer, National Renewable Energy Laboratory


The Challenge:
Integrating power from various renewable energy installations, including photovoltaics, small wind, battery, fuel cell, and flywheel, into the grid.


The Solution:
Developing an advanced power electronics controller system to reduce production and maintenance costs while decreasing engineering effort.



View NIWeek Keynote Video (Includes demonstrations of The MathWorks, Inc. Simulink® software running on NI CompactRIO Rapid Control Prototyping (RCP) system and NI PXI FlexRIO FPGA-based 3 MHz Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) Simulator)



http://sine.ni.com/cms/images/casestudies/nrela.jpg  http://sine.ni.com/cms/images/casestudies/nrelb.jpg


For more information on how to run The MathWorks, Inc. Simulink® models on NI CompactRIO, see the NI LabVIEW Model Interface Toolkit, a LabVIEW interface to more than 15 simulation environments, and NI Veristand, a software environment for automating the real-time testing of power electronics, power system and other control systems.


The MHz speed real-time power inverter real-time simulation tools demonstrated in the video above are now released as a toolkit for LabVIEW. The NI Electric Motor Simulation Toolkit includes switched mode power electronics real-time simulation tools along with medium and high fidelity models for permanent magnet synchronous machines (PMSM) and switched reluctance machines (SRM).


View the self healing smart grid demonstration video that preceeded the NREL video above.



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