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FSW-0010 not generating any power



We have an issue with a Phase Matrix QuickSyn FSW-0010 (Options 1 and 4) instrument. The instrument does not generate any power (measured with a detector that can be sensitive to less than -50 dBm at the output, much less than the nominal +15 dBm). The following was tried: i)replacing the power supply, ii)multiple restarts, reset, setting power on and off, and setting different frequencies,ii)trying to operate with an external or with an internal referece.

The instrument responds to commands (for example sending a power on command or a frequency change command followed by a query leads to the expected query response). The power supplies indicates a current drawn of 0.7 A, which is below the expected value from the datasheet (18 W nominal at 12 V, so 1.5 A).

I would appreciate any suggestions!

Thank you in advance!




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Message 1 of 2

If not, is there a plan to upgrade the driver to work under Windows 10 64bit soon.

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Message 2 of 2