06-25-2015 07:27 PM
Hi all,
Is there any way for me to remotely determine if my PXIe chassis (1085) has locked on to the external reference I feed into its 10 MHz IN connection?
The manual states this is done automatically, but I'd like to make sure it is.
"You also can drive a 10 MHz clock on the 10 MHz REF IN connector on the front panel of the chassis. When a 10 MHz clock is detected on this connector, the backplane automatically phase-locks the PXI_CLK10, PXIe_CLK100, and PXIe_SYNC100 signals to this external clock and distributes these signals to the slots. Refer to Appendix A, Specifications, for the specification information for an external clock provided on the 10 MHz REF IN connector on the front panel of the chassis."
I am using LabVIEW, and couldn't find any drivers or VIs to do this.
06-26-2015 03:19 PM
Hi Colonel1013
I don't believe there is a way to programmatically determine this, though you could theoretically scope the clock coming out of your external source, and the clock from you backplane after having been PLL'd to that source to verify. You would likely still see some skew, however, but could watch the clocks over time for drift. If they are the same clock, you would not see any drift.
06-29-2015 11:14 AM
PXI Platform Services 15.0 will expose the ability to confirm the source of the 10Mhz Clock in MAX, in the right pane attributes for PXI Express chassis. The update should be available for download sometime in early August.
Programmatic access will not yet be available, but is a good suggestion. I will put this in our backlog to be added in a future release. I hope that the ability to confirm it in MAX will be a suitable workaround until then.
06-21-2016 01:14 PM
Apologies for digging up this old thread, but this is exactly what I need.
Do you know if programmatic access will be implemented in the next version?
If yes, when can we expect a release?
If no, will it ever be included?
06-22-2016 01:22 PM
Do you need access to the attribute in C or LabVIEW? Access in C should be available in the next few releases. Access in LabVIEW is planned, but I have no information on dates.
06-23-2016 06:06 AM
We use LabVIEW but I suppose we could make a DLL call and use the C-functionality, correct?