Dear all,
I am a pretty newbie for NI / PXIe / Labview.
We got a PXIe-5171R as Oscilloscope to receive a wave using multi channels. Also, I connected Keysight multiplexer to switch channels. I am using a AWG (PXIe-5433) to generate the wave.
In previous work with different PXIe (5105), the labview code work well for this purpose. However, it did not work with this new PXIe-5171R. It is only one change in the setup.
For the PXIe-5171R, the triggering connector is mini-HDMI, which is different with the PXIe-5105. I do not have the NI mini-HDMI cable, so I used a normal mini-HDMI which I have in my workplace. Can it be the reason for the problem, or any other reasons?
I got the error message as "Error -1074126845 occured at niScope Multi read Possible reson(s): Maximum time exceeded before the operation completed."
If you give any advise or guideline, it will be much appreciated!