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I am using a PXI-2527 with a TB-2627. The PXI card lists a connector pin-ut. The TB lists the channels. I need to see how the pin-outs on the PXI relate to the channels on the TB. Where can I find this information?

I am using a PXI-2527 with a TB-2627.  The PXI-2527 card lists a  connector pin-out.  The TB-2627 lists the channels. I need to see how the pin-outs on the PXI relate to the channels on the TB.  Where can I find this information?

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Message 1 of 6

Hi glennstu,


The best method to find the information you are looking for would be the TB-2627 installation instructions that I have linked below:


NI-2627 Installation Instructions: http://digital.ni.com/manuals.nsf/websearch/1EE2BAD6D4FEB33986257713004F42C5


Tables 1-5 in the document show how each channel is correlated to each terminal depending on the topology you would like to use. The channel name will correlate to the information to the PXI-2527 channels. If you look at the NI Switches help found in Start>> All Programs> National Instruments>>NI Switch>>Documentation>>NI Switches Help in the Start menu and do a search for "2527 pinout", you can find the pinout for the 2527 and its channels. This should help you correlate the two cards together. 


I hope this helps!



Anna L

Applications Engineer
National Instruments
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Message 2 of 6

Not really.  Your answer seems to imply I could find documentation on my computer for this. I do not yet have this.  Looking at the spec for the PXI-2527 on sheet 6 it shows a connector pin out.  The pins are listed as A1, B1, C1, D1, ... etc.  The document you pointed me to does not link this pin out to channel numbers.  Is A1 ch0+?  What channels connect to the other pins?

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Message 3 of 6

Hello glennstu,


A quick Google search will get you the NI Switches Help documentation (which also comes with your installation of the NI Switch Driver) online. The topology you choose will decide what pins are configured for your channels. However you shouldn't really need this since the manual for the TB-2627 tells you for each topology what channels of the card link to what terminals of the block. 


Regardless, if you want to correlate the exact pins to channels the connecting features to use are "Software channel" and Topology type.

Jonathan L.
Technical Support Senior Group Manager
National Instruments
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Message 4 of 6

I am not using the TB-2627 and developing our own breakout board so i need to know what the 100 pin definitions are for the different configurations. It would seem logical to place this information in the PXI-2527 user manual rather than having to hunt for it. Providing this information would I believe, help both of us.

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Message 5 of 6

Hi tom_greene,


On page 6 on the NI PXI/PXIe-2527 Specifications, it talks about referring to the NI Switches Help for specific connection information. This is what Jonathan was referring to.


I also found a white paper about using custom terminal blocks with the NI 2527 that you might find useful.


I hope this answers your question!

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Message 6 of 6