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DCVoltage and Continious voltage generation on PXIe-4141



Is it possible to set the single voltage level on one channel, measure the voltage and current of that channel, and generate a continious signal on the other channel at the same time? Thanks

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Message 1 of 7

Absolutely! This is a key functionality for instruments with multiple channels.


I'm not sure what programming language you are using, but the key is to pass the channel name into each function/method/VI.


I recommend looking at the examples and reading the documentation on theory of operation. www.ni.com/docs/en-US/bundle/ni-dcpower/page/ni_dc_power_supplies_help/ni-dcpower_examples.html

Principal Software Engineer
Driver Software
National Instruments
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Message 2 of 7

And all these become easy when you create separate sessions for each channel

Soliton Technologies

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Message 3 of 7

NI (and I) recommend that you use niDCPower_InitializeWithIndependentChannels() (or your programming language's equivalent) to open a single overall session to the NI-DCPower instrument or instruments in your system. With that single session, you can specify the channels to use on each method call.

This simplifies multi-channel and multi-device session management and improves synchronization.

Principal Software Engineer
Driver Software
National Instruments
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Message 4 of 7

@Tobias, isn't that a new API from v20.0 or something? 

Soliton Technologies

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Message 5 of 7

Independent Channels support was added in NI-DCPower 20.6.


From the readme:

Independent Channels: Added support for independent operation of instrument channels. Initializing an NI-DCPower session with independent channels allows you to use multiple instruments in the same session. With independent channels, you can configure multiple channels of the same instrument, or of multiple instruments, independently of one another within the same session. 


Principal Software Engineer
Driver Software
National Instruments
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Message 6 of 7

Depending on the niDcPower driver version you use, you can either go with the method Tobias recommended or initialize separate sessions for each channel.

Soliton Technologies

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