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Calibrating PXIe-4353 with CAL-4353 and Fluke Calibrator

I am using a Fluke 5500 Calibrator and the CAL-4353 to attempt the calibration of some NI PXIe-4353 cards.  I am trying to follow the calibration procedure, but am running into some road blocks.  The first problem is I can't "calibrate" the unit.  I go into NI Max and find my unit.  When I right click on it to configure, it reads the CAL-4353, but everything is grayed out and I can't execute the calibrate function.  The other problem that I am having is I don't know where the SC Express Calibration Accessory Channels VI are recalled from. The procedure states " Call the DAQmx Connect SC Express Calibration Accessory Channels VI. Configure the CAL-4353 by setting the connection to _tc_calibration and the physical channels to Dev1/ai0:31".  Throughout the procedure it is wanting me to configure the CAL-4353 and I don't know how to do that.  Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. 


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In order to see the calibration tab you must first create a task(https://knowledge.ni.com/KnowledgeArticleDetails?id=kA00Z000000P7ltSAC) 

The SC Express Calibration Accessory Channels VI its a VI in LabVIEW see http://zone.ni.com/reference/en-XX/help/370469AD-01/lvdaqmx/palscexpresscalib/



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I have written the code, but it is not working as I hoped.  I am getting an error at the out of the Calibration Accessory Channels VI (error -200112) and at the end of the code (error -50103).  I posted it as a different question (Cal-4353 Calibration) because I think once that works out it will answer all my questions about the PXIe-4353.  Once I get everything working I will share my findings. 


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