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[Group C] NIYANTRA 2013:Ask Your Mentor

This is the team-mentor interaction space for all the NIYANTRA 2013 teams belonging to Group C. If your team belongs to this group,this is the place you should be interacting with your mentors.

Make Sure You Read this Document Carefully Before Starting.

This group is being mentored by Mr Suresh & Mr Pranit (Trident TechLabs)

Click here for the Group & Mentor Allocation List

Message 1 of 18

I am in Group C. We use only LabVIEW in our project. All the hardware parts are from third party hardware vendors. Is it okay to create the project without any hardware part involved from NI?

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Message 2 of 18

Yes. Not a problem.

StarAG wrote:

I am in Group C. We use only LabVIEW in our project. All the hardware parts are from third party hardware vendors. Is it okay to create the project without any hardware part involved from NI?

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Message 3 of 18

Thank you!

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 18

Hi... Guys.. Hope you rock.. All the Best...

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Message 5 of 18

I am using LPC21489 ARM7TDMI board..which is provided with two uart RS232 ports interface..

how to burn labview program on that?

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Message 6 of 18

sir what is the process of acquring hardware from ni?

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Message 7 of 18

Ok so I've a couple of questions:

1)What all hardware can we borrow and when can we get it?

2)How to embed the gerber files on the labview?

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Message 8 of 18

hello sir i m doing project same project with other compony that provide hardware to me ......can i do same project with also don't send the software dvd ...please send me that ......

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Message 9 of 18

Can someone please reply to the above questions,as it's almost been 2 weeks since anyone had replied regarding any question.


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Message 10 of 18