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NI-Xnet, dbc and Bus Monitor


I'm working on a Veristand 2017 project. I have a CAN communication.

I received the dbc from the customer and when I run the project there is something that doesn't work well.

I know that because the value of a particular signal has to be FF FE and I read another one.

But if I see the frame of that signal from the NI BUS MONITOR I can read the right value. I mean, from the NI BUS MONITOR I see: 11 FF FE 54 65 00 11 10, the signal is the 2° and the 3° byte (FF FE) and it is correct, in the Veristand the signal is (00 11). 

It is possible that the dbc is corrupted? In the NI BUS MONITOR I cannot connect the dbc because if I see the baud rate I read <0>. I have to set the right value to see the frames.

How can I understand that the dbc is not corrupted? 


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I am have no experience with NI BUS MONITOR but I suspect you have some error in the byte order.

Note you receive 11 FF FE 54 65 00 11 10.

In reverse order   10  11 00 65 54 FE FF 11

You expect           XX 11 00 XX XX XX XX XX


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