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How to run the UI manager programmatically

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I am looking for a method to programmatically run (from Labview) the UI manager and then to connect it.

Is there a .net API for that ?




Note: I have developped, for the previous versions of VeriStand, a high level application that manages the tests benches' projects and their versions. I want to update it with the new VeriStand UI Manager.


Message 1 of 8
Accepted by topic author Thierry_38

There is not a .NET API to control UI Manager, but there are some command line utilities you can use to launch UI Manager, open a specific project, specify the Gateway IP address to use, and connect automatically.


Try the following command line arguments:


<Path to UI Manager EXE> /nivsprj "c:\project.nivsprj" /gateway localhost /connect


These are documented in the Stimulus Profile Editor help online.

Jarrod S.
National Instruments
Message 2 of 8

Hello Forum


I tried the command line suggested above to run the UI Manager, but I get the following Error:


23-02-2018 10-41-43.png

The project runs fine if started from UI or the Project Explorer directly. The commands I used in a bat file:

cd "C:\Program Files\National Instruments\NI VeriStand UI Manager 2017\"
.\NationalInstruments.VeriStand.UIManager.Application.exe /nivsprj "C:\Users\Public\Documents\National Instruments\NI VeriStand 2017\Projects\EFFPP\EFFPP.nivsproj" /gateway localhost /connect


Any idea why this fails?


Thanks in advance


0 Kudos
Message 3 of 8

I tried this UI Manager command line solution to launch UI Manager programmatically from LabVIEW.

In my LabVIEW VI, I first deploy the VeriStand project. Then I call the LabVIEW System Exec VI to open UI Manager with the requirement arguments (please see enclosed screen capture).

The UI Manager launches and opens the specified UI Manager Project and shows the GUI. But it does not automatically connect to the System Definition that is running in VeriStand. (i.e., the /connect argument in the command line does not work). I can only make it connect by manually choosing it from the menu.

Is this a timing issue? (I waited 5000 ms after deploying the VeriStand project befor starting UI Manager but does not work still).


Thank you!


Sundaram Raghuraman



0 Kudos
Message 4 of 8

Hey Ragman,


What version of VeriStand are you using? There is a known issue in VeriStand 2018 and VeriStand 2018 SP1 where UI Manager does not automatically connect to the deployed System Definition. My guess is this is what you are hitting.




Product Support Engineer

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 8

Thanks for your reply. I am using Version 2018. 

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 8

FYI I believe this will be resolved for the VeriStand 2019 release.

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 8

Could we please get explicit confirmation from NI R&D that the issue of the "/connect" flag not working is related to the above-mentioned UI Manager bug in 2018 and 2018 SP1?  (It seemed like that assumption was a hunch, not an explicit "yes".)  If it is, please provide the CAR number.  If it is a different issue, please create a new CAR for it and provide us that number!




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Message 8 of 8