12-03-2014 03:30 PM
This is the VI I discussed in another thread. It shows how the .NET API is wrapped in LabVIEW. This is an example of me wrapping it for easy calling in TestStand. If I wanted to add any custom logic to the runtime behavior, I could add it in this VI.
Does this help?
12-03-2014 04:16 PM
I've seen that VI on the VS palette before, but I guess I've been too buried in .NET to have remembered it. I may end up using this to reduce or eliminate the sub-sequences I'm using, but I'm also installing the 2014 DS2 Dev Suite on one of my machines as I type this, and plan to install the 2014 version of the VS Custom Steps as soon as possible.
I'm trying to avoid getting into a situation where I use VIs for all of the programmatic sequence generation, because I'm afraid I'll get 90% of the way there and find out that there are a few functions for which I don't have VIs. The Start Veristand step is a perfect example of this problem, and that's why I've been trying to just stick with using the Custom Steps in the sequence generation code.
12-04-2014 01:29 AM
Actually the proper way to invoke NIVS executable is to read the location from registry. F.e. for NIVS 2013SP1 it is here: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\National Instruments\VeriStand\2013\InstallDir
12-04-2014 10:24 AM
You're right about that. I'll add that to the update list for the next revision.
01-28-2015 03:33 PM
This example shows how use the TestStand API to add pre-made steps into a sequence file. When I get time I want to rework it - among the changes, I would do a few things to simplify the interface as well as expose more options, like:
02-06-2015 04:21 AM
Hi Andrew.
This is Eisuke, An AE at NIJ.
Our customer in Japan is using this add on.
He is requesting explanation on following steps.
Could you explain or introduce available documentation?
1 Silent Connect
2 Silent Disconnect
3 Stop Silent Gateway
Also, he can not select On Fail Action at Deploy Project.
Is there any limitataion?
Also if there is documentation about every steps, please let me know.
I really appreciate it.
Eisuke Ono