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how do I clone a sub-sequence

If I have a sub-sequence in my sequence file, how do I clone it using the TS_function set? How does cloning a sequence differ from TS_PropertyClone(stepName,errorFile,"",0,clonedStepName)?
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The short answer to your question is that there is no telling difference between cloning a sequence and cloning a step. The function TS_PropertyClone can work on any given property object. In the case that you would wish to clone a sequence, you would need to grab an ActiveX reference to the desired sub-sequence, acquire the property object of it, and then clone it. Once you have the new object stored (usually via a local variable of the ActiveX reference type), use SequenceFile.InsertSequence() or a related function to insert the cloned sequence into a particular location.


Elaine R.
National Instruments
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