NI TestStand

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Who can help me using IVI powersupply in Teststand!

Hi there,
I'm newly in working with Teststand and IVI drivers and
have a little simple question.

I have a step to configure the powersupply.
The logical name is "SamplePowerSupply", the operation
is "configure". If I change to the "Validate IVI Configuration" form, uncheck the simulate checkbox
and press the button "Init" I get the following errormessage:
....returned an error: -1073807343 ... Insufficient location information or the requested device or resource is not present in the system (-31619).
But in MAX I see my powersupply and it seems to work correct.

Thanks for any answer !!

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Message 1 of 2
Some IVI drivers are designed to work in simulation mode, that is, the virtual instrument can be defined in MAX but no physical instrument is necessary to use the "instrument". If you turn off the simulate checkbox on the validate dialog box, TestStand will create the instrument session without simulation and the driver will attempt to talk to a physical instrument. If no physical instrument definition is available or if the address defined for that virtual instrument is incorrect, the above error can occur.

Scott Richardson (NI)
Scott Richardson
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