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Where are the descriptions of the TS variables?

I have added a LV action to the SequenceFileLoad process model callback.
When I create the VI, I get a sequence context control.
So, I create a Property Node and choose SequenceFile.
Now, if I click once over the box containing the SequenceFile property, out pops a long list of other possible property nodes that I could have chosen.

SequenceFile is what I wanted, so I create an InvokeNode off of SequenceFile and I see a different list of items (as expected)

I want to know where to find a description of each of those Property Nodes and  InvokeNodes. Hopefully, all in the same manual.

The intent of my quest is to display all of the steps in MainSequence along with some of the associated data, like Hi and Low limits.

When I set a breakpoint in TestStand, I can see SequenceFile as  RunState.SequenceFile, but the next level does not show the same items that are available to me through the LV references.

For example, I see these four items under SequenceFile in the Context list :

But the only InvokeNode in the SequenceFile property node that comes close is GetSequence.

I am I on the wrong track here?

Will I eventually be able to see the contents of RunState.SequenceFile.Data.Seq["MainSequence"].Main["NumericLimitTest"].Limits.Low by using property nodes and involke nodes? or is there some other way to get there.

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Message 1 of 4
Hi checkers18,
You need to use the Property Node (the one with the spanner symbol) to get and set the properties such as
Use the Invoke Node to invoke the Methods such as GetSequence.
Also there are a set of VI's in the Palette for use with TestStand where passing the lookup string "RunState.SequenceFile.Data.Seq["MainSequence"].Main["NumericLimitTest"].Limits.Low" would return the value you require.
Also in the examples folder of TestStand are some labview examples that will also help, 'accessing variables properties and variables' is one that come to mind.
The "Using Teststand with LabVIEW" manual will provide additional help.
Ray Farmer
Ray Farmer
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Message 2 of 4
The problem I have with this ...

Also there are a set of VI's in the Palette for use with TestStand where passing the lookup string "RunState.SequenceFile.Data.Seq["MainSequence"].Main["NumericLimitTest"].Limits.Low" would return the value you require.

... is that not all test steps have a limits property. I don't know how to determine which steps do before I ask for the property.
If I ask for a property that does not exist, then I get an error.

And the same problem exists in TestStand. I tried to put this into an If statement and it worked fine as long as the property existed. But it gave me a runtime error when it didn't.

If   PropertyExists(RunState.SequenceFile.Data.Seq["MainSequence"].Main[Locals.CurrentStep].DataSource) == True
  do this step

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Message 3 of 4


This is the correct way to go about it but....

PropertyExists() requires a string. Therefore you have to use "RunState.SequenceFile.Data.Seq[\\"MainSequence\\"].Main[" + Str(Locals.CurrentStep) +"].DataSource", otherwise it is using it as a variable and this will not be of string type.


Hope this helps


Ray Farmer

Ray Farmer
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Message 4 of 4