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TestStand Report Generator Needs to be More User Friendly

No, I can't use the VI since it's not saved in LV 2012 SP1. I have that skipped. It's happening in after the Call TestOne executes.


0 Kudos
Message 21 of 24

There is a LV2012 version saved in the subfolder.


I'm not sure what would cause that error.

Which entry point are you using?

What step is causing the error, can you trace it through? 


You could also create the sequence from scratch fairly easily if you can see the functions I'm using. 

The labview code just moves the report using a move file command. You can really use any language to do this.

You should be able to see the FileGlobals, callbacks, and expressions used. 

0 Kudos
Message 22 of 24

No, during TestStand execution.

0 Kudos
Message 23 of 24

Test Sequence Error


UUT Result


Item is locked, protected, or in use and cannot be deleted.
Error accessing item 'ResultList'.

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Message 24 of 24