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TestStand PXI 5660 RFSA

I am using NI RFSA PXI 5660 RF Vector Signal Analyzer to analyse the data.
How to provide conectivity from TestStand to PXI 5660.
What I am thinking is that
I have to use the following IVI Step Type
1) Scope --  Performs single-point and waveform measurements with oscilloscopes.
2) Tools -- Sets or gets instrument attributes and performs utility operations on any IVI instrument.
But I am not sure about it.
Has anyone any ideas or example code?
Thanks and Regards
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Hi Nihal

While you could use the IVI step types to interface with the 5660, it would be much easier for you to write a code module that interfaces with the 5660, and then call the code module from TestStand.

For example, you could write a LabVIEW program that interfaces to the 5660 using the 5660 VI's (All functions >> Instrument I/O >> Instruments Drivers >> ni5660 palette).  Then just call the LabVIEW VI right from TestStand. 

Russell G.
NI Applications Engineering
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