04-11-2023 01:31 AM
Hello everyone,
we are facing some strange behaviour, maybe someone else has had this troubles too.
Up to now I had a look at 8 test systems in our factory.
- 4 test systems without that issue
- 4 test systems with that issue
We built a simple sequence in TestStand 2016 with an simple LabVIEW 2016 step.
The VI only contains the NI sub VI "System exec.vi" another VI contains the NI sub VI "Trim Whitespace.vi".
For both VI's we saw the same behaviour.
If the LabVIEW adapter in TestStand is set to "LabVIEW Development System" everything works fine.
If the LabVIEW adapter in TestStand is set to "LabVIEW Run-Time Engine" we have issues.
After clicking on the LabVIEW step teststand crashes, sometimes without error message, sometimes with error message.
"Stack overflow (0xC00000FD)"
Sometimes you can see that TestStand crashed when it tries to find the NI sub VI "System exec.vi" or "Trim Whitespace.vi".
It also seems to make a difference if our VI is placed locally on (for example) C drive or somewhere in our network drive.
If the VI is placed on C drive TestStand doesn't crash, but if the VI is placed on network drive TestStand crashes by loading the NI sub VI's meantioned above.
(But: 4 of the 8 test systems has no troubles by using the VI from our network drive)
All our testsystems have installed the same TestStand and LabVIEW versions.
- TestStand 2016 f1
- LabVIEW 2016 f1
- LabVIEW Run-Time 2016f1
By the way:
We have other test systems using TestStand 2010 and LabVIEW 2011.
For this software setup we don't have any troubles.
Anyone has an idea what is going on?