NI TestStand

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Specify Report File Path by Expression's $(UUT) does not work

Using the sequential model.


Need to assign serial number from within main sequence.


I'm very tired of reading to learn how National Instruments' TestStand assigns that $(UUT) macro.


Reading doesn't produce functioning software.


As I see it, the macro just flat doesn't work.  I have tried and tried and tried to get the known serial number of the UUT into that macro.  I can only offer my apologies if you too are looking for the solution and have stumbled into my post added to the sea of posts, here.  I have no answer for you.  Perhaps someone out there will kindly explain how to do it AND have it actually work AND actually explain, not just post a link to read even more somewhere else.


The other macros being used, there, work fine, so it may appear.  I literally have a trail of ASCII txt filenames down the Windows' folder, but not a one has the serial number in it; hence, to the outside world, they are multiple runs of the exact same empty serial number UUT.  It really looks dumb -- it really does -- sticks out like a sore thumb.  Empty string after empty string after empty string complete with date, time, product, seq, everything in that filename but the kitchen sink, aside from the unique serial number of each run that should've come in via $(UUT).


I say $(UUT) just doesn't work but sure wouldn't mind being proven to be flat wrong.  (And based on the evidence, I think others would like to know, too.  It was time for me to give up reading and post.)


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I could not resist as my post of the 63k+ posts was still there at the top.


"If you are using the option Specify Report File Path by Expression, the default behavior is to generate a unique file. This is accomplished through the $(Unique) tag. However, this won't work if you run multiple tests with the same serial number. To make unique files in that case, you'll need to add the serial tag, $(UUT), to the file name. "


But only if you know how to stuff $(UUT) like TestStand does it, where I, for one, do not know how to do it AND have it work in the filename that's produced after the test runs.  But my quest for a working solution perhaps need not involve wading through 63k posts, now.  (And don't get me started on the way my search parameters get changed by the search engine software and produce results to a question I didn't ask.  That's real fun.)

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I'm learning.


The serial number of the UUT must be known before the test of the UUT in mainsequence, because the report file of the UUT's test is created before the test begins, always, without exception.  This is the hard-coded law of TestStand.

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Message 3 of 4

This relates to the NI report generation model plug-in. You could make plug-in that works differently.

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