I am using Python to translate a program code of an automated test to a teststand 2017 sequence. I need to set function parameters and don't know how.
This is what I do to create the step and set name and use current file property. It works so far, but when I open the generated sequence file there is a red exclamation mark stating that the arguments do not match the parameters of the sequence to be called.
If i use step.Module.UsePrototype = True then the exclamation mark is gone, but the Use prototype checkbox in the generated step is UNchecked.
This is an extract from my code.
step = engine.NewStep("Sequence Adapter","SequenceCall")
step.Name = (step.StepType.Name) +" "+ str(index)
step.Module.UseCurFile = True
step.Module.SeqName = sub_seq.name
step.Module.UsePrototype = True
#ToDo: Set Parameters "Var1" to 10
MainSEQref.InsertStep(step,index, stepGroup["StepGroup_Main"])
Can anyone help please? I assume I have to do something with the step.Module.ActualArgs Property but I am stuck for two weeks at this problem now and I have tried almost everything. Thanks!