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Proceed with next UUT

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After a sequence fail Test Stand shows the "Proceed with next UUT window".

How can I disable this window?

In my test model the end of test is handled by a custom dialog placed in PreUUT sequence, so I don't need the default one.

I couldn't find any point in the model sequences where this window is "triggered".


thanks in advance for the help!



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Message 1 of 3

If I understand correctly you are refering to "UUT Information Dialog" as "Proceed with next UUT", correct?

If that is the case then PreUUT callback in process model has a Action step IdentifyUUT which displays the dialog on next loop of execution.


If you want to run the sequence only once then step in process model (Test UUTs) "Goto Next UUT" can be set to got to "End of UUT Loop" or in PreUUT place a precondition in IdentifyUUT step to execute for only the first execution.


Although I am surprised that you are seeing the default dialog even when you have overridden the PreUUT callback with the custom dialog box.Maybe can post some more information on how the callback is overriden.

Message 2 of 3
Accepted by topic author MarcoMauri

Hi Ivrat,

thanks for replying!

Your answer guided me to solve the issue:

the window is created by the step "Handle Termination" in "Test UUTs" entry point in the model file.


As expected the "IdentifyUUT" is overridden by my custom PreUUT callback.




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Message 3 of 3