I would like to ask for help for the following Problem:
I am trying to run an Operator Interface which I created based on the TS Simple OI.
TestStand 3.1f1
LabVIEW 7.1.1
The sequence I am running is using a few file Globals for data exchange between the steps and calling the main sequence in another sequence file, based on the UUT barcode. The barcode resolves the sequence file name, where the appropriate UUT test sequence is. Most of the Steps are Express VIs.
Basically: The main sequence file executes, its defines the UUT to be tested, calls the MainSequence in the appropriate sequence file which after the tests returns. The main sequence file than ends the test, a report is generated.
Everything runs perfect in the TestStand Development Environment (Sequence Editor), no problem at all. But with the Operator Interface I am having great problems.
It is very strange, but after the second Single Pass (I am always using this entry point with the sequential Model) the Operator Interface crashes: *always*, on the 3rd (!) run I get the following Error:
Run-Time Error
Details: No details available
Error Code:-17502; System Level Exception.
Location: Step 'Send Model State Message: 'Initializing'' of sequence 'Single Pass' in 'SequentialModel.Seq'
Step Description: Call Thread.PostUIMessageEx
Step Status: Error
This is a Error originated from the Sequential Model sequence. After this I get different behaviors, sometimes memory access crashes, sometimes LabVIEW.exe Aplication must be shut down, the OI won't work again.
The same Problem hapens if I use the standard TestStand Simple OI or the Full-Featured OI !!! But only if I start these OIs via LabVIEW. If I start the OIs via executable (.exe provided) than everything runs like in the Sequence Editor, that is, without errors! Do they use different LV Run-Times? How can this happen?
With the sequence editor (LV Adapter configured to work with LV Dev. System - active Version 7.1) the sequence runs perfectly! With an OI the sequence crashes after the 3rd. run! Why?
The Whole NI directory (with TS and LV) was masscompliled (LabVIEW 7.1.1).
Now I need some help, it is really important for my work to get this OI working! I am looking forward for any replies!
Thanks a lot!
- Caribe -