05-30-2014 12:39 PM
I would like to know if there is a clean and efficient way to manage executions so they can access some shared test hardware in a FIFO method. The test setup includes four units connected to an RF switch that selects which unit has access to a spectrum generator. I would also like the executions to run independantly. I looked at the different process models shipped with Teststand 2013, but none seem to do exactly what I want. The Batch Process model needs the UUTs to be tested as a group. Does the Parallel Process model allow the sharing of test equipment between executions?
Can this be done with the Sequential Process model by using specific synchronization steps like Lock or Notification?
Thanks in advance for your help,
06-02-2014 01:48 PM
you should use locking for this. Look in the TestStand examples for the LockDemo.seq under Synchronization.
Hope this helps,
06-02-2014 01:50 PM
It uses the batch model but you can do the same thing with the parallel model or the sequential model.
Also, if you name a lock with an * as the first character then it can be shared across engines.