NI TestStand

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Logging Result to Data Base

I tried to logging to the Oracle data base from TestStand.
and I got an error:
An exception occurred calling 'LogResults' in 'ITSDBLog' of 'DBLog 1.0 Type Library'
An error occurred while setting a column value.
Schema: Oracle 8 (NI).
Statement: STEP_RESULT.
Column: ID.
Object was open.
Source: TSDBLog

-2147217915; User-defined error code.

I am using the NI schema for Oracle8
Do you know what is the problem ???
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 3
To header -
I have never been able to reproduce this error before when another customer described it, but when the customer upgraded the Oracle client software to the latest ODBC driver or OLE-DB provider, the problem went away. I think that they used ODBC instead of the OLE-DB Provider. You should be able to use version 8 or 9 client software on a client system to communicate to a 8 server. I have tested are ODBC driver and the OLE-DB driver that you can get from Oracles web site.

Scott Richardso (NI)
Scott Richardson
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 3
To all who read this post:

The user's problem was solved by upgrading to Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) v2.7 available at the following web address:

Link ->

Jason F.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
Message 3 of 3