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List All .dll .exe And Step Type Files In Sequence

How can I list with their respective path for all the step types, .dll and .exe files used to successfully run a sequence file? We have many sequence files in our sequence file repository. Many of the old sequence files are from Windows XP or before. 

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Message 1 of 5

Hi TonyJ


You could use the TestStand API to iterate through the steps of your sequence file to pull out the paths of your steps and collate a list for.dll and .exe.  You could also get the dependencies of each step and add those to your list.


I think I have posted how to use the API to get paths in the past I will have a look and link it here.





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Message 2 of 5

Yes, that would be awesome. Please post your link here. Thank you.

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Message 3 of 5

Can't find the link.  Cobbled this (also attached LV2019 VI) together that kind of shows what I was thinking.  It will search through the Main Group of MainSequence in SequenceFile12.seq and build an array of DLL paths and an array of EXE paths.







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Message 4 of 5



You can build a LV application as suggested by Steve which will be comprehensive.


or manually do it by : - Open your sequence and  CTRL + F ( Find) and search for .dll.

This should list all the steps which uses a dll.You can copy them by selecting all the steps and paste it in excel.



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Message 5 of 5