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How to display the module time for the wait action and popup window?


Dear All,

In my teststand sequence, I choose to display the execution time for each step,

However for the Wait step and Popup Step, the module time is not displayed, how can I display these action module time?


Thank you!

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 5



What you selected in module time.

This is applicable for steps which call a module like a DLL or VI. (Action or Test step types).

Only those steps which call a module will display the time in that column.





0 Kudos
Message 2 of 5


Thank you for your reply,




I  just choose the <Execution Time>dialog, so you means I can't display for the module time use this method?

How can I display each step time in teststand, or I use LabVIEW to call Teststand sequence,

This is what I want to display in the UI, however, I don't know how to realize it




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Message 3 of 5

Open the Edit Step List Configurations Dialog box in an execution window. Checkmark Execution Times in the second list box (like you did already).  Click on it again just to make double sure it is selected, then click the Edit... button. Click the Columns tab and select the _MODULE_TIME entry in the list box.


Change the Expression field to the following:


Step.LastStepResult == Nothing ? "" : Step.LastStepResult.Exists("TS.ModuleTime", 0) ? Str(Step.LastStepResult.TS.ModuleTime) : Step.LastStepResult.Exists("TS.TotalTime", 0) ? Str(Step.LastStepResult.TS.TotalTime) : ""



Now, change the caption field from _MODULE_TIME to TIME, because now it is the module time, if available, or the total step time if there is no module time. If you only want the total step time, then the expression could be:


Step.LastStepResult == Nothing ? "" : Step.LastStepResult.Exists("TS.TotalTime", 0) ? Str(Step.LastStepResult.TS.TotalTime) : ""

Message 4 of 5

Hello James_Grey,

Thank you very much, really appreciated

I did as you suggested, the following picture is the display effect


I still have a question: the module time display it is s unit, however it is not easy to see, if I want to change it to ms unit, how I can do?


Thank you in advance!


Best Regards,



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Message 5 of 5