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Excepcion ocurred in TSUI.IApplicationMgr

That works almost perfect for what I want to do. Thanks.

My UI also works if I make it an Application, since it restarts in every execution but your method is cleaner.


The only thing that I can't manage to change is the following:

I don't want the Login Window and I know how to disable it, the only problem is that one of my VIs requires the "CurrenUser" variable.

"Parameter 'StringValue':
Unknown variable or property name 'StationGlobals.TS.CurrentUser'."


I have tried but I can't do it. Is there a way to programatically (over)write this value?

I tried with the Current User Property from the TestStand Engine but It doesn't do what I want to do.

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Message 11 of 12

CurrentUser is an ActiveX reference. In order to create such a reference, you can use the GetUser method of the TestStand Engine. It takes the login name (string) as parameter and returns a user object you can write into the CurrentUser property.

Message 12 of 12