When an Error occurs in a sequence execution and "Run Cleanup" is selected from the Error popup, the User Interface displays a 'Passed' Status. What parameter in the sequence context can I access from C code will tell me what the real status of the execution is?
The code that is getting the 'Passed' status is:
oleErrChkReportErrInfo(TS_ExecutionGetProperty (panelRec->exeRec->exeH, &errorInfo, TS_ExecutionResultStatus, CAVT_CSTRING, &psResult));
which is called from:
GetExeStatusString(tEDPanelRec *panelRec, int *statusColor)
psResult will only show a 'Passed' status, even when the MainSequence result shows 'Error' in the Sequence Editor. I can't seem to find a parameter that contains the correct MainSequence executio
n status that I can access from C to update the CVI user interface.
Any help you can give on this would be greatly appreciated.