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DAQMx task does not cleanup properly after execution

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I have two VIs which are designed to write to various digital output lines (NI PCI digital output card and NI PCIe DAQ) which will control the DUT/s.

The channels are hard coded and I have one VI to write to DUT#1 and another to write to DUT#2.


Each VI creates a task, starts it, writes to the output lines(twice) then stops and clears the task.


When I run them in any order/combination everything behaves as expected.


When I run it in Teststand, the first iteration of the sequence 'PASSES' but anything afterwards 'FAILS' the first time it is called.  


Error Msg:


DAQmx Create task.vi2

Task Name: DIG_OUT_FPP_2_1B

Task name specified conflicts with an existing task name.


I have skipped all other steps in the sequence other than the VIs (attached), but the error still occurs.


Somehow, Teststand is not correctly clearing the tasks.


Any advice would be muchly appreciated. Thanks!!!

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Accepted by topic author sammy346



It sounds like the device may need to be reset. I have attached some information about this below.


I hope this helps!

National Instruments
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