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Controlling Sequence Execution from LabVIEW(not from UI)

Hi all


I have already posted one question for LV-TS execution but i think this is something different . Hence posting new question.

I want to know is it possible to run the teststand sequence from labview which does not have user interface?

In other words , if i run a VI , my seq 'A' should get executed(for which code will be written in VI) and generate a report at specified path.

Is it possible?

I am not able to get any option for it.

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 8

I think you run into a rather common misconcept when starting new with TS:

There is no "TS application".


TS is an ActiveX Server which has to be called by a program which calls (invokes) this ActiveX Server.

This program is called "User Interface" by NI regardless if there is any display at all. To be precise: A TS UI can be "headless".


That being said, your question makes absolutely no sense. What you are asking is: Can i implement an UI headless and pass all necessary data as calling parameters?

The answer is: YES.


Sadly, NI does not provide any UI examples for a headless version, so maybe you want to kudo this idea.



CEO: What exactly is stopping us from doing this?
Expert: Geometry
Marketing Manager: Just ignore it.
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 8

I got the point now...thanks for it...

Do you have any idea what material/links I can refer if i want to build th UI without GUI ?
I am not getting clue from where to start?

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 8

Well, if you work with LV, you will need to gather information on how to build an EXE which does not display the toplevel VI frontpanel. If you configure it to be that way, you don't really have to modify much on the provided NI UI examples.

If you chose to display (e.g. minimized) the frontpanel, i recommend you to delete all TS components you do not require. The ones you require, you should move outside the visible area of the FP if gets "restored" or "maximized". Also, you might want to disable the possibility to resize/scroll the panel to keep things hidden.



CEO: What exactly is stopping us from doing this?
Expert: Geometry
Marketing Manager: Just ignore it.
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 8
How are you planning to create and run a VI without any front panel? Your question still does not make much sense.
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 8

HI All, I think i have not asked my question correctly. If we refer the examples shipped with TS for user interfaces it gives us option to select a seq file , then select seq inside seq file and then run it. These selection of seq file, seq happens from a TS user control which is linked with LabVIEW. Now in my UI i want user to select name of seqs from list box/tree(LV control)and then when user clicks RUN button , one by one each selected seq will get executed. Here the TS UI will not come into picture...I have seen one example on NI of this kind.

But when i am trying to run this example , it is giving me error saying two copies of application control is present in VI.I have chekced all VIs and now maintaning only one single copy of application control.Still I am facing the same error!!(note: this example contains the simple user interface VI which comes by default with TS with the small modifcations in it) Any idea why this could be?

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 8

Hi all


I am able to control seq execution from labview now. USer can select mulitple sequences from UI , and then once click on start , one by one each seq gets executed.

I have taken help of user events and "do click" method of TS UI button.

Thanks for the help!! 

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 8



Can you please share example code ? I am not so experienced in teststand. I also want to build application where user will select sequence from listbox and press start button.

Gaurav k
CLD Certified !!!!!
Do not forget to Mark solution and to give Kudo if problem is solved.
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Message 8 of 8