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Can I use an Activex Action step to obtain the details of the Failure Chain ?

I would like to record details from the Failure Chain, (top of test report) , within a database.
My Client Sequence file is already configured with a step which will record other details to the database.
However I cannot find an ActiveX Property or Method, which can be used to obtain the various Failure Chain strings created during
a sequence execution.
I can see the information I require within the Sequential Process Model, in a variable callled: Locals.UUT.CriticalFailureStack .
How could I get this information into my Client Sequence File ?
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Hi Gary,
   you have to consider when the information in there is actually filled in and valid.
Ordinarily with a client sequence file running under say test uuts entry point under the sequential process model, you would refer to it as Runstate.Root.Locals.UUT.CriticalFailureStack from your client sequence (Root being the lowest, or first seqeunce running).
The problem is that the CriticalFailureStack is filled in after the report generation sequence is called from the Test UUTs (or single pass) execution entry point which is way after your client sequence has run through.
Your best solution is to make an engine callback of PostStepFailure (Edit->SequenceFileCallbacks), and place steps in there based on Parameters.Step (as in you could do NameOf(Parameters.Step) or even dig your way back up to the calling seqeunces of that failing step's sequence (Runstate.Caller.Runstate.Caller.R......  checking as you go that it's a valid item) and that will occur as the client sequence is running through.

Sacha Emery
National Instruments (UK)
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