The CVI RTE installer installs CVIRT.dll and CVIRTE.dll in your Windows\System
directory (Win98/95) or Windows\System32 directory (Win2000/NT). It also
creates a CVIRTE directory in the same.
You can get the latest CVI RTE installer from ftp://ftp.ni.com/support/labwindows/
It consists of 2 floppy disks.
By default, the TestStand 1.0.x engine installer utility will install the
CVI 5.0.1 RTE. You can have the TS engine installer install the latest CVI
RTE by replacing the CVIRTE directory in your TestStand\Setup\Engine\ directory
*before* running the TS Engine Installation Wizard.
Hope this helps,
"Iain Simpson" wrote:
>>Hi,>>We are using TestStand extensively and in our installation package
will be>installing the CVI RTE (run-ti
me engine). Where can I find exactly
which>files (DLL's especially) are installed by the CVI RTE setup.exe?>>Iain