> Try the ParallelModel.seq for the Process Model. That is, in
> TestStands Configure menu, Station Options, Model tab, select the
> "ParallelModel.seq". This should allow you to run multiple UUTs at
> once.
Thanks for the reply...
My understanding of the stock NI process models is:
The Parallel model is for asynchronous testing of multiple UUT. Each UUT
may be started stopped seperate from the others.
The Batch model is for synchronous testing of multiple UUT. All UUTs
start/stop testing at (essentially) the same time.
Becuase of our ATE hardware architecture, things are basically asynchronous
at the fixture level, but synchronous at the UUT level. In other words, all
the UUT in a fixture are tested at the same time using the same resources,
but ea
ch fixture can start/end testing asynchronously (each fixture using
its own set of resources OR one set of resources MUXed at the fixture
So thats why I was leaning towards the Batch model as the basis for the
software architecture. I assumed that I could just launch multiple Batch
process model instances, each instance dedicated to a fixture, each instance
configured for 4 (or more) Test Sockets.
However, my initial tests have indicated this may not be possible. It
appears as though the Batch and Parallal models assume there will only be a
single isntance of either of them running at the same time. I don't know if
this limitation is inherent in the models themselves, or if its in the model
support code.