ReportOptions is a specific datatype that is stored only in TestStandModel.seq.
This type is not in the Type Palette. To use a type in *any* sequence file,
that type must be in the Type Palette or the sequence file where you want
to include it.
To add Report Options to the Type Palette, open TestStandModel.seq and select
Sequence File Types from the View ring. Select the Custom Data Types tab.
Select ReportOptions and copy it. Open the Type Palette and select the
Custom Data Types tab. Paste the ReportOptions in the right pane of the
Custom Data Types tab. Now, you can use the Report Options in any sequence
file. Alternatively, you can just copy the ReportOptions to the Sequence
File Types view of any specific sequence file.
Paul Mueller
gfu Yao" wrote:
>>I want to add a parameter in a sequence file. The type of the parameter
is>ReportOptions. This is a sepcific container type. But in sequence editor>when
I insert a parameter I can only select "Container" type, as a result>this
parameter does not know the components that ReportOptions has.>Is there anybody
who knows the answer? Thanks in advance.>>Chengfu>